Our online courses are now available below. Each course consists of multiple lessons comprising video teaching, lesson notes, Graham’s and thoughts for meditation.
You may spend as long as you like to complete each course.
In this 12 part course Graham Jones teaches on how to host the presence of the Lord in our individual lives and in a corperate setting. We explore the promise of God to be “in the midst” of his people.
In the “Freedom Course” Graham Jones teaches how to walk in freedom in every area of you life.
In this 6 part course Graham Jones teaches on how we live in the fullness and overflow of the Holy Spirit
In the “Disciplines Course” Graham Jones teaches how to the daily practices that will keep the believer in the fullness of God’s life and blessing.
In the “Goodness Course” Graham Jones teaches how on the transformational power of goodness.
This course will lay a foundation in our life of God’s goodness and release you into the call of living as an ambassador of God’s goodness.
In this 6 part course Graham Jones teaches the foundation truth of walking by Fatih.
In the Teaching and Preaching course Graham Jones explores how to develop and hone your skills in public teaching and preaching. Graham covers sermon preparation and delivery and emphasizes how to connect with the Holy Spirt as you minister. Graham explains how to grow in confidence and how to minister effectively without having to rely on written notes.
In the “Revelation Course” Graham Jones teaches how to receive the keys of the Kingdom that will unlock the mysteries of heaven in our lives.
This course will be you move from having head knowledge to real vibrant faith that lives in your heart.
In the Growth & Inheritance Course Graham Jones teaches on how our growth in Christ determines the level in which we walk in our inheritance.